+27861835453 info@tintolaw.co.za

Basic Information About Our Attorney Services to Corporate Clients

We share a bit of background information about Velile Tinto & Associates to give you an indication of the spectrum of our expertise.

With a large division devoted to conveyancing of property, we serve banks, insurance companies, real estate property developers, buyers and sellers. The division effectively runs alongside the debt review and banking litigation departments.

The conveyancing team has extensive experience in property matters, whether related to retail shopping centres, vacant land or agricultural properties. We stand out because we use the latest technology for ongoing monitoring of the transfer process, which ensures that clients are kept up to date and problems identified early on. With such technology in place, we are able to streamline the transfer process and thereby enable the fastest possible and problem-free transfer of properties.

You may also have heard or read about the Velile Tinto & Associates experience in litigation. We have a proven track record of successful litigation and are known for our willingness to take on difficult cases. Our clients, ranging from corporate entities to banks and financial institutions, rely on our commitment to protect their interests and uphold the law.

We keep up to date regarding changes in regulations, whether pertaining to banking or credit and consumer laws. As such, our clients rely on us to keep them informed and help them to act ethically and within the boundaries of the law.

As part of our service offering, we assist clients in debt collecting, opposing unreasonable debt review proposals, initiating or objecting sequestrations and liquidations, setting garnishee orders and taking steps in litigation to minimise financial losses for our clients. When it comes to insolvency matters, our clients know that they can trust us to professionally handle applications and to prevent debtors from using sequestration or liquidation to get out of their debt obligations.

Foreclosures on properties also form part of our service offering. Understanding how and when such are reasonable and worth the legal steps is what we do best. We handle the process efficiently to achieve success for our clients.

We furthermore provide a range of contract services relevant to companies, PAIA, property sales and trusts. Following a specific approach of zero tolerance for contract wording mistakes, we double check every agreement for technical, grammar, legal and spelling errors. In addition, we confirm addresses and details regarding the transactions to minimise the risk of contract breach based on technicalities.

Whether your firm requires assistance with ABC collections or litigation expertise, our team of lawyers at Velile Tinto & Associates is committed to service excellence.