+27861835453 info@tintolaw.co.za

Community Involvement

People in our community

moral and social responsibility

Velile Tinto & Associates strongly believes that all businesses have a moral and social responsibility to get involved in their local communities and to actively participate in the development, growth and social wellbeing of the people in their community.

With Soccer being a sport that has a proud history of bringing people and communities together, Velile Tinto is proud to be the sponsor of the Umtata Liverpool Soccer Club. Although financial contributions are always required, further involvement often adds to the communities’ development. And for this reason we are proud to be actively involved in the coaching and training of the players of the main and development teams in the community. Statistics show that 25% of South Africans have or will be impacted by cancer in some way during their lifetimes. Velile Tinto notices the amazing work done by Cansa to help prevent South Africans from getting it, helping them to detect it early and facilitating care and support to those who are diagnosed as well as their families.

For this reason Velile Tinto has made Cansa the main beneficiary of our annual charity event.

Education represents a powerful tool for generating jobs, improving incomes, and expanding the opportunities available to young people in developing communities.

Therefore Velile Tinto is actively involved with the creation, development, training and support of Black Owned Entrepreneurial Companies.

The Water Project

The Water Project

Velile Tinto & Associates initiates the donation of 4000 liters of water in aid of draught stricken communities in South Africa. On 21 January, Velile Tinto from Velile Tinto & Associates contacted Karen Schwendtke, the Director of Touching Souls, with the initiative...

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Donate a wheelchair

Donate a wheelchair

Velile Tinto & Associates have encouraged their employees to take part in collecting plastic bottle caps for the Kungwini Welfare Organisation. It can certainly pay off! This morning a teen from their Child & Youth Centre received a brand new wheelchair from caps...

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