+27861835453 info@tintolaw.co.za

Profile of Services from Velile Tinto & Associates

We have provided a broad overview of the services from Velile Tinto & Associates offered throughout South Africa to clients ranging from banks and insurance companies, to bond originators, real estate agents, sellers, buyers and commercial clients.


Many clients benefit from the conveyancing services from Velile Tinto & Associates because we offer the complete range of services, including bond registration, cancellation of figures and transfer of properties. With Velile Tinto & Associates on the panels of all major banks of South Africa, we are able to expedite conveyancing transactions quicker. Instead of having to deal with three law firms in transferring properties, one law firm can handle the tasks of cancellation figures, bond registration and Title Deed transfers. The risk of incorrect documents, document loss and misunderstandings is thus eliminated.

Add to the above, our secure IT system, backups and usage of advanced technology to ensure ongoing communication with clients and progress reports, and you can understand why so many companies already make use of our conveyancing services.

Foreclosures, Sequestrations and Liquidations

The rise in insolvency numbers in South Africa is alarming. Many consumers are over-indebted, but just as many use sequestration as a means to get rid of their debt after having overspent. We help firms, including banks, to oppose voluntary sequestrations and liquidations where such will not be to the benefit of our clients. As such, we help our clients to minimise losses because of bad debts from their customers. In addition, we initiate forced sequestrations, liquidations and foreclosures on properties where needed on behalf of creditor clients.

Many consumers enter into debt review and we understand that they need to manage their debt. However, instances where their legal representatives propose unreasonably low repayments, our team of lawyers opposes such to ensure that our clients’ financial interests are upheld.

Debt collection and garnishee orders form part of our service profile. We understand that firms don’t want to appoint entire departments for debt collection. As such, we handle the service and offer a trace network service as well. When making use of the services from Velile Tinto & Associates, your company can thus reduce the number of bad debts, ensure repayment on time and minimise risk of consumers absconding from their debt responsibilities.

Contact us at Velile Tinto & Associates to help your company minimise risk, ensure bulk property transfers, and oppose unreasonable debt repayment proposals in South Africa.